Imprint & Terms and Conditions


Berliner Platz 9
97080 Würz­burg

Mana­ging Director: Stephen Schien­bein, Dietmar Nick
Trade register no., Würz­burg muni­cipal court: HRB 3448
VAT ID No.: DE 134166233

Phone: +49 (0)931 32155–0
Fax: +49 (0)931 32155–99

Terms and Conditions

The utility marks, brand names, trade names, etc. used on this website may be non-expli­citly desi­gnated trade­marks and as such subject to legal provisions.


We make every effort to ensure that the infor­ma­tion presented on our website is correct and up to date. However, errors and a lack of clarity cannot be comple­tely ruled out. We can ther­e­fore assume no liabi­lity for the up-to-dateness, correct­ness, comple­teness or quality of the infor­ma­tion provided here. We shall not be liable for any mate­rial or imma­te­rial damage caused directly or indi­rectly through the usage or non-usage of the infor­ma­tion provided respec­tively through the usage of incor­rect and incom­plete infor­ma­tion insofar as we are not proven to be guilty of preme­di­tated or grossly negli­gent beha­viour. We reserve the right to amend, supple­ment or delete parts of the Web contents or the contents as a whole without any specific prior announce­ment, or to discon­tinue the publi­ca­tion of these contents either tempo­r­a­rily or permanently.

As a content provider in accordance with §5 Para. 1 MDStV (German Media Services Act), we are respon­sible in compli­ance with general legis­la­tion for our own contents as provided by us for usage. A diffe­ren­tia­tion is to be made between our own contents and links to contents made available by other provi­ders (§5 Para. 2 MDStV). Such links are, however, always to be regarded as being “live” (dynamic) refe­rences. The first time such links are set, the external contents are veri­fied to estab­lish whether they could lead to accoun­ta­bi­lity under civil or criminal law. However, we are not obliged to conti­nu­ally verify the contents to which our website contains links which could justify a reapp­raisal of our responsibility.

All links are links to “third-party contents” unless they are expressly and in context desi­gnated as being internal links. Respon­si­bi­lity for “third-party contents” which, for example, are made available by means of direct or indi­rect links to other provi­ders is subject among other aspects to know­ledge of the illegal or punis­hable contents. We have no influence whatsoever over “third-party contents” nor do we own the said contents. We expressly distance ourselves from such contents as may be contained on the linked Web pages of third-party provi­ders. Should we estab­lish, or be noti­fied of the fact, that a specific website to which we have provided a link leads to accoun­ta­bi­lity under civil or criminal law, we shall remove the link to the website concerned without delay.

This shall simi­larly apply to all issues pertai­ning to copy­right. As “third-party” texts and illus­tra­tions are only included in our Web pages in the form of “quota­tions” with a link to the origi­nator insofar as the latter is known to us (or mate­rial that we have estab­lished as being not subject to copy­right), we assume that we are permitted to use such texts and illus­tra­tions within the meaning of copy­right law. However, should an origi­nator not agree to the usage of such contents or there exists a doubt regar­ding the legal usage of the texts and illus­tra­tions, please notify us accor­dingly. We shall then remove the texts and/or illus­tra­tions that are subject to complaint from our websites without delay.

The layout of the website, images and films, as well as all other contents, are protected by copyright.


Tell us if we can support you. Get in touch with us. Without obli­ga­tion and at any time.

For direct enqui­ries you can also contact us by phone: +49 (0)931 32155–0