Infineon Technologies

As a long-stan­ding partner of Infi­neon Tech­no­lo­gies AKI conti­nues to support SAP prin­ting processes.

Infi­neon Tech­no­lo­gies is moder­ni­sing its SAP prin­ting processes across the group with the latest Prin­Taurus solu­tion from AKI. The decisive factors were both the six-year part­ner­ship with AKI GmbH in Würz­burg, which belongs to the KYOCERA Group, and the advan­tages that Prin­Taurus offers Infineon.

The customer

Small, barely percep­tible, semi­con­duc­tors are indis­pensable compa­n­ions in our daily lives. Chips from Infi­neon are used wherever elec­tri­city is effi­ci­ently gene­rated, trans­mitted and used. They secure our digital data exch­ange. They reduce the pollutant emis­sions of cars and enable fully auto­no­mous driving. Infi­neon Tech­no­lo­gies AG is a leading global supplier of semi­con­ductor solu­tions that make life easier, safer and more envi­ron­men­tally friendly. Microelec­tro­nics from Infi­neon is the key to a future worth living. Infi­neon employs appro­xi­m­ately 35,000 people worldwide.
  • Sector IT industry
  • Task Plat­form change to X86 systems in SAP printing
  • Top Chall­enge Higher trans­pa­rency and better predic­ta­bi­lity of print volume
  • Top benefit New prin­ters are inte­grated into SAP land­scape with minimum effort – Higher trans­pa­rency of print data – 24/7 support by AKI experts

The initial situation

Until 2010, Infi­neon had imple­mented prin­ting from SAP systems using its own solu­tion. At that time, Infi­neon decided to use an external solu­tion for SAP prin­ting to support the plat­form change to X86 systems. The solu­tion was also intended to make the group’s increased print volume easier and more accu­rate to plan.

The solution

After six years, Infi­neon takes stock. Right at the begin­ning of their part­ner­ship, the AKI experts carried out a compre­hen­sive analysis of the system requi­re­ments, at the end of which the Prin­Taurus soft­ware was intro­duced across all loca­tions during ongoing opera­tions. In the process, exis­ting solu­tions from third-party suppliers and concepts deve­loped in-house were seam­lessly connected and inte­grated into the overall concept. Result: By means of an easy-to-use graphical user inter­face, about 500 unneeded printer queues could be cleaned up, unused prin­ters iden­ti­fied and new prin­ters inte­grated into the SAP land­scape with as little effort as possible. In the complex SAP prin­ting envi­ron­ment, Infi­neon was able to improve error tracking and increase the trans­pa­rency of print data. Prin­ting became more stable and more secure thanks to AKI’s high-avai­la­bi­lity solu­tion. In addi­tion to the perfor­mance, the service quality of the provider was also convin­cing: In order to keep down­times of the busi­ness-critical SAP prin­ting as low as possible, AKI offers 24/7 support to guarantee the high avai­la­bi­lity of critical print jobs.
“With the team from AKI we have found a compe­tent and reliable service partner for prin­ting,” said Wolf­gang Almer, Project Manager SAP Basis at Infi­neon IT Services GmbH, Klagen­furt. “The Prin­Taurus solu­tion enables a signi­fi­cantly improved and simple manage­ment of company-wide SAP prin­ting. The print paths are now trans­pa­rent and traceable. We can now better serve and plan the high print volume. Barcode prin­ting runs more stably, and the high avai­la­bi­lity concept means we no longer have to worry about downtime.”
Wolf­gang Almer

Project Manager SAP Basis, Infi­neon IT Services GmbH

The benefits

Gain trans­pa­rency, stabi­lity and high relia­bi­lity.

  • Trans­pa­rency of print paths and print data streams
  • High avai­la­bi­lity of mission-critical print data
  • Savings of 500 printer queues
  • Two-thirds reduc­tion in time required to inte­grate new printers
  • Expert and certi­fied 24/7 support from the AKI team
  • More stable and secure print processes


Tell us if we can support you. Get in touch with us. Without obli­ga­tion and at any time.

For direct enqui­ries you can also contact us by phone: +49 (0)931 32155–0