Online Presentations &

Online presentations

AKI regu­larly offers online presentations.

In these presen­ta­tions, you will receive infor­ma­tion on all aspects of print manage­ment. This can be a presen­ta­tion of best prac­tice examples as well as a live demons­tra­tion of our Prin­Taurus software.

Also inno­va­tions in our updates or the expl­ana­tion of possi­bi­li­ties that support you in the admi­nis­tra­tion and confi­gu­ra­tion of your print envi­ron­ment are part of our online programme.

Contact us if you would like to be invited to our online events in the future!


We think about the costs.
Trai­ning courses take place at your premises in a resource-saving manner. This saves time and personnel costs. On request, we can also hold trai­ning courses and work­shops here in Würzburg.

AKI trains your employees.
But don’t worry. This is not a big deal. Since our print manage­ment solu­tions are inher­ently simple and easy to use, your staff will learn in record time.

AKI gives you some­thing along the way.
Namely, a compre­hen­sible printed docu­men­ta­tion that should clarify all ques­tions. Or where you can look some­thing up.

And after­wards?
If ques­tions or problems arise later, there is our help­desk with friendly and compe­tent staff. Our regis­tered custo­mers know: Here you can get uncom­pli­cated and quick help.


Tell us if we can support you. Get in touch with us. Without obli­ga­tion and at any time.

For direct enqui­ries you can also contact us by phone: +49 (0)931 32155–0