
The real-life scenario

As one of the core tech­nical processes in hospi­tals, prin­ting is often time-consuming and chal­len­ging. The multi­tude of printer manu­fac­tu­rers and specia­list programs, strict legal requi­re­ments and people who rely on properly produced prin­touts make the process of respon­sibly admi­nis­te­ring and mana­ging such an envi­ron­ment diffi­cult and time-consuming.

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More Infor­ma­tion

Linking prin­ters to the users with the hospital infor­ma­tion system and the respec­tive specia­list appli­ca­tions is one of the main chal­lenges in day-to- day prac­tice. How do doctors and nurses always get connected to the closest printer without having to give it another thought? How can we ensure that the forms used in the hospital infor­ma­tion system are printed correctly? How can we prevent misprints caused by operator errors? How can we ensure that the prin­ting process is secure and guarantee high avai­la­bi­lity? These are just a few of the ques­tions that IT depart­ments have to deal with on a daily basis.

The challenges are in the details

The number of printer queues multi­plies drama­ti­cally in the hospital envi­ron­ment due to the large number of employees, local work­sta­tions and specia­list appli­ca­tions with specific prin­ting requi­re­ments. This means that admi­nis­tra­tors are faced with the chall­enge of main­tai­ning an over­view of the print land­scape, keeping the drivers for the indi­vi­dual device manu­fac­tu­rers up to date, and allo­ca­ting the prin­ters to the indi­vi­dual employees simply and effectively.

  • A large number of indi­vi­dual print queues, making a centra­lized manage­ment approach difficult
  • No over­view of the indi­vi­dual confi­gu­ra­tions or the print infrastructure
  • Modi­fi­ca­tions should, ideally, be made inde­pendently of the hospital infor­ma­tion system
  • Forms are assi­gned to prin­ters or paper trays locally at the workstation
  • Time-consuming trou­ble­shoo­ting
  • Risk of user errors – misprints due to selec­ting the wrong print queue
  • High avai­la­bi­lity for print servers or indi­vi­dual printer locations
  • Major manual effort when swit­ching between printer manufacturers

Product Brochure

For more infor­ma­tion about Prin­Taurus for Health­care, please refer to our product brochure (PDF)

The solution

We offer a prin­ting solu­tion that has been tail­ored to the precise  requi­re­ments and needs of hospi­tals so that hospital staff can  concen­trate on their core task – saving lives and caring for patients.

  • Over­view and secu­rity for IT depart­ments
    Prin­Taurus for Health­care gives you an over­view of your entire print land­scape. No matter whether you print from Micro­soft print servers or SAP and specia­list appli­ca­tions, ever­y­thing can be managed trans­par­ently from a single graphical user inter­face. The manage­ment and admi­nis­tra­tion of prin­ters can be auto­mated, print drivers can be updated easily, and adjus­t­ments can be made quickly and centrally. Prin­ting processes can be auto­ma­ti­cally backed up and confi­gured to ensure high availability.
  • Simplify prin­ting from dispa­rate hospital infor­ma­tion systems
    Only one printer queue per user to enable them to confi­gure form settings, thus redu­cing the time and effort required for admi­nis­tra­tion and distri­bu­tion by a factor of 10.
  • Satis­fied end users
    Using prin­ters is drama­ti­cally simpli­fied for end users. All of the users are auto­ma­ti­cally connected to the prin­ters they need for their day-to-day work. The printer follows the user from work­sta­tion to work­sta­tion. The reduc­tion in the number of printer queues required for end users makes it easier for them to select the right printer.

Advantages at a glance

  • Manage and monitor the whole envi­ron­ment from a single interface
  • Auto­ma­ti­cally assign print queues to end users
  • Auto­mated prin­ting processes and high avai­la­bi­lity reduce manual workload
  • Reduces the burden on end users by redu­cing the number of misprints
  • End users can access prin­ters for HIS forms via a single printer queue
  • Simple and secure rollout of new hardware
  • Secure and encrypted data transmission
  • Cross-vendor solu­tion that protects your investments
  • Inter­fa­cing with diffe­rent hospital infor­ma­tion systems possible
  • Reduces prin­ting-related service tickets


Tell us if we can support you. Get in touch with us. Without obli­ga­tion and at any time.

For direct enqui­ries you can also contact us by phone: +49 (0)931 32155–0