making information faster

We acce­le­rate infor­ma­tion and make your busi­ness faster. With digital solu­tions and climate-friendly technology.


As one of the core tech­nical processes in hospi­tals, prin­ting is often asso­ciated with considerable time expen­diture and challenges.

More Infor­ma­tion

High Availability Printing

When it comes to patient data in the emer­gency room, every minute counts! Admis­sion papers, lab labels, medi­ca­tion and treat­ment plans need to be printed quickly and reliably to guarantee the patient the best possible care.

More Infor­ma­tion

making infor­ma­tion faster

Health­care processes

High avai­la­bi­lity printing

AKI is a leading provider of solutions in all areas of digital document processing and information management.

Our multi-vendor solu­tions and services simplify complex print infra­struc­tures and docu­ment processes and help you digi­tise and future-proof your busi­ness processes.

For more than 35 years, we have been using and expan­ding our expe­ri­ence and lever­aging our partner network to provide inno­va­tive and custo­mised solu­tions for our customers.

Our specia­lists are always at your side with advice and support, and toge­ther we can make your indi­vi­dual wishes come true.


AKI solu­tions are used by large and well-known compa­nies, in most cases listed on the DAX or MDAX. Savings poten­tials can be shown on the basis of some references.

AKI solutions explained

In our video section, we have provided you with many examples of how solu­tions and services can meaningfully improve your busi­ness and processes.


AKI is a future-oriented and growing company with head­quar­ters in Würz­burg. AKI deve­lops high-quality soft­ware and offers services for soft­ware to opti­mise prin­ting processes. Learn more about job oppor­tu­ni­ties here.